I was watching TLC's show, The Little Couple, and it was the episode where they begin demolishing the house they were going to build on. When demolishing happened, he said something that I couldn't help but agree with him more and that is the word, " progess."
He said that seeing the demolition of the old house made him feel as if they were making steps towards their new house and basically making " progress" and it felt really good.
This is how I essentially feel at this time.
I spoke with the RN at the fertility clinic this morning as I had contacted them letting them know that I've had my polyp removal surgery and should be starting my period next week. With that said, the clinic has devised an IUI treatment plan for me. Can I say, " exciting?" Why? It's progress. This is the part where you join me in clapping your hands and jumping up and down. I'm really excited.
By the way, my surgery went well. I don't remember a single thing during the surgery as I was temporary intubated and knocked out. I woke up very grudgingly and groggily, and oh, nauseated in the recovery room. Slept pretty much the entire day and returned to work two days later with no complications. Let's hope that it doesn't grow back anytime soon, yes?
Yesterday, I had my polyp(s) removed. Surgery was scheduled for 8:30 am, but I had to arrive at the Outpatient Surgery center at 7:00. Just a wee bit early for me, but it was okay because I wanted these pesky little things out of me!
This was my first surgery ever, so I was a nervous. The RN and I could tell because my blood pressure was a bit high (140/80). Thankfully, it went down post surgery to a more normal value. I wish I could tell you how the surgery went, but I couldn't as I was knocked out completely. All I remember was the anasthesiologist giving me oxygen through a mask and next thing I knew, I was groggily waking up in the step down recovery unit. I felt so nauseated from the anasthesia that they had to give me a couple of anti-nausea medicine to help me.
A little bit of cramping took place every now and then all day yesterday and I was very sleepy.
Today, I feel better, but I'm just taking it easy per the doctor's instructions. I was scheduled to work tonight and tomorrow, but he advised that I take a few days off. I couldn't agree with him more. It's a good thing I asked in our pre-op appointment.
Right now, my worries is that the polyps will grow back. I'm so very hopeful however that the removal of the polyps will help us get pregnant. I can't help but peruse the internet to find success stories of polyp removal, but at the same time, I know it's driving me insane.
Please God. Please let this work.
I just finished up the last of the prerequisite lab/tests for the fertility clinic before starting any treatments. My outpatient surgery to remove the polyp/fibroid is scheduled later this month. So if all goes well, we can hopefully start our IUI treatment next month.
I'm very pleased to report that my FSH levels came back normal. Phew! I emailed my parents regarding my numbers and in the email said that " This Spring Chicken still got it!" My Mom replies with, " I always knew you were a Foster Farms chicken!" Hahaha, just gotta laugh. Too funny Mom.
Since learning that the polyp/fibroid that is in me needs to be removed because it may affect implantation or cause a miscarriage, it got me thinking..... Is this the reason why we couldn't get pregnant because of this darn skin tag?!? Once we remove it, I wonder if we can get pregnant on our own?
I'm trying to be optimistic. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed for us.