Thursday, July 22, 2010

Polyp Removal a Success!

Yesterday, I had my polyp(s) removed. Surgery was scheduled for 8:30 am, but I had to arrive at the Outpatient Surgery center at 7:00. Just a wee bit early for me, but it was okay because I wanted these pesky little things out of me! 

This was my first surgery ever, so I was a nervous. The RN and I could tell because my blood pressure was a bit high (140/80). Thankfully, it went down post surgery to a more normal value. I wish I could tell you how the surgery went, but I couldn't as I was knocked out completely. All I remember was the anasthesiologist giving me oxygen through a mask and next thing I knew, I was groggily waking up in the step down recovery unit.  I felt so nauseated from the anasthesia that they had to give me a couple of anti-nausea medicine to help me. 

A little bit of cramping took place every now and then all day yesterday and I was very sleepy. 

Today, I feel better, but I'm just taking it easy per the doctor's instructions. I was scheduled to work tonight and tomorrow, but he advised that I take a few days off. I couldn't agree with him more. It's a good thing I asked in our pre-op appointment. 

Right now, my worries is that the polyps will grow back. I'm so very hopeful however that the removal of the polyps will help us get pregnant. I can't help but peruse the internet to find success stories of polyp removal, but at the same time, I know it's driving me insane. 

Please God. Please let this work.


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