Friday, July 2, 2010

A Little bit of Optimism.

I just finished up the last of the prerequisite lab/tests for the fertility clinic before starting any treatments.  My outpatient surgery to remove the polyp/fibroid is scheduled later this month. So if all goes well, we can hopefully start our IUI treatment next month. 

I'm very pleased to report that my FSH levels came back normal. Phew! I emailed my parents regarding my numbers and in the email said that " This Spring Chicken still got it!" My Mom replies with, " I always knew you were a Foster Farms chicken!" Hahaha, just gotta laugh. Too funny Mom. 

Since learning that the polyp/fibroid that is in me needs to be removed because it may affect implantation or cause a miscarriage, it got me thinking..... Is this the reason why we couldn't get pregnant because of this darn skin tag?!? Once we remove it, I wonder if we can get pregnant on our own? 

I'm trying to be optimistic. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed for us. 

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