What a difference a different doctor can make. Oh, I just wished that the headmaster of the clinic was the person doing all my IUI's. Heck, I wished that he did the first one because he surely is awesome!
This morning Mr. Dubyah and I went in for our third IUI. Yesterday, the headmaster scanned my uterus and found 1 mature follicle at 23mm and two on the left ovary measuring at 16mm each. He gave me the ovidrel shot to help with the maturation of the 16's and ovulation and guess what, this morning, he scanned me a second time to make sure that the eggs ruptured! Am I shocked? Heck yes.
The last two IUI's, the rookie, didn't scan me; he just did the insemination. In fact, the headmaster wanted to scan me not only to ensure that the eggs ruptured but to see if we needed a second insemination. WTF?
I've always wondered why the rookie didn't scan me the second time to take a look and see if the eggs ruptured or not. It just made sense to scan me. But, being passive aggressive coupled with the fact that I want to entrust that he knows what he's doing, I didn't pose the question whatsoever.
So, today, when he scanned me, all three follicles ruptured which means there are three eggs awaiting for Mr. Dubyah's sperm. Run, sperm, run!
What I also like about the headmaster is that he explains everything without you even inquiring. I love that! It's like he contemplates every question and knows when to answer them.
Here's to hoping third time is a charm!
10 years ago
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