Friday, October 8, 2010


I am so hating my body today. But, I knew I should have waited. I guess I got all "cocky" knowing that I always show a positive on Day 13 of my cycle. But when the kits showed negative, not once but twice this am,  I got nervous. Like, desperate, oh shit, nervous!

 I tend to show a positive surge on the ovulation kits later in the morning, like around 1100-12pm'ish. But, nooo, stupid me, had to test twice before that time frame and give the clinic a call telling them that I did not see a positive surge. So now, I'm stuck with an appointment to see them tomorrow morning at 0815 despite me telling them that I show a positive later in the morning. The RN said something that I could take so many and that it creates a false positive? Say What? Whatevers. I'm just going with it. Maybe it could be a good thing. Like, the timing of it all can be perfect, right?

Let's just hope for the best. I'm so anxious right now. I keep looking at the ovulation kit that I just took and it screams ovulating. Ok, Ok, it's maybe not screaming, but it's certainly "informing" me. 

I know this is a horrible picture of the kit and you can vaguely see the line. I'm not going crazy! Really, I see it.

Well, here's to IUI#3 tomorrow. Please God, let this be the cycle we get pregnant. Please!!!

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