Random Thought #1.
Bummed that I cannot run anymore. This past weekend, a popular local race occurred, The Shamrock Marathon and many of my friends participated in it this year. When I was entering races, I only had about two close friends who were into running. Now, I have a handful and it just sucks that I can't share the race experience with them.
Random Thought #2.
Been watching the show, Deliver Me, on the OWN Channel and am strangely addicted to it. I wished they had a reality show that featured infertile couples just so the awareness of it is out there much more. Plus, its something I can relate to, much more, cry about while watching it.
Random Thought #3.
Starting our injectible cycle in April. What can get I get my dirty pause on before all the craziness starts? Overload of sushi? Have drinking binges? Go to spin class as much as I can?
Random Thought #4.
Why do I feel so ashamed of my fertility problems? It's a constant question I ask myself daily. This whole fertility issue is such a self esteem problem with me. I can't help but feel "anxious" when I'm surrounded by many of my friends who are moms. I feel as though I'm the odd man out because I can't participate in the conversation. Plus, I begin think to myself that they are going to start questioning me as to when I'm going to start having children.
Final Random Thought #5
I saw a coworker who got married about the same time as me and is preggers with a big ole belly. I feel like I've been flunking each grade and being held back with each passing wedding anniversary. It's like our wedding anniversary is an alarm for me reminding me, " yet another year we are childless."
10 years ago
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