Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Post Op Report.

Visited my other baby daddy   doctor today at the clinic. Unfortunately, Mr. Dubyah couldn't make it with me as he had meetings all day. Boo. I don't really like going in alone, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. 

Surprised that there wasn't any fee with my visit. Woohoo! Score, right? 

Doctor said that he found some endometriosis and if he were to describe it, it would be mild. He was able to remove them all and showed me the before and after photo's of the endo. Funny. He said my tubes, fibria, ovaries looked beautiful.  I sorta blushed at that because I've never heard anyone describe a women's reproductive organs like that. But, I'll take it. Heh. 

So, here's the plan. 

Given our schedules these next two months, Mr. Dubyah and I decided to take a break for a couple of months and see if we get pregnant naturally now that everything has been checked out, or as the Doctor says, "we have the green light!" 

If for some reason we don't get preggers, we are going to try injectibles with IUI, but only for a couple of times and then move on to IVF if the injectibles with IUI doesn't work, God forbid. 

The doctor agreed that it sounds reasonable and a good plan to begin with. So, I"m keeping my fingers, toes and beautiful reproductive organs crossed and hoping for the best. 2011, please be good to me.


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