Today, I had to suck it up and drive to my doctor's office to get a Tdap vaccination. I was a wee bit close in not going, but I forced myself for the love of our "potential" pregnancy. You see, I HATE needles. I hate them even more so now since I'm having to come in contact with them more and more. It's not the getting blood from me part that gets me, because fortunately, I was blessed with pretty good easy to see veins, but it's the "anticipation" part that I dread the most. You can be talking to me trying to distract me, but in the back of my mind, I'm still waiting for that needle to break skin.
It was thankfully over before I knew it, but I do remember closing my eyes as she injected the vaccine in me.
What's funny about this entire story is that I stick people too at work and I have no problems doing so. The worse part, it's not the vein, it's the artery which means it's much deeper and it's like finding a needle in a haystack.
10 years ago
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